Mabapi le rona

Matla a Khauta (Fujian) Building Material Science Technology Co., Ltd.

Thepa ea Golden Power (Fujian) Building Materials Science Technology Co., Ltd. e ntlo-khōlō e le Fuzhou, e nang le likarolo tse hlano tsa khoebo: liboto, thepa ea ka tlung, fatše, thepa ea ho roala le ntlo e entsoeng esale pele.Golden Power Industrial Garden e fumaneha Changle, Profinseng ea Fujian ka kakaretso ea matsete a li-Yuan tse limilione tse likete tse 1.6 le sebaka sa 1000 mu.Khampani ea rona e thehile lilaboratori tse ncha tsa nts'etsopele le liteko Jeremane le Japane, e thehile marang-rang a phethahetseng a ho bapatsa 'marakeng oa lefatše' me e thehile likamano tsa balekane le linaha tse ngata tse kang USA, Japan, Australia, Canada, joalo-joalo. lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo bakeng sa meaho e meng ea bohlokoa ea machaba nakong ea lilemo tsena.

Tlhompho ea Khampani

Kaha re netefalitsoe ka ISO9001: Sistimi ea Tsamaiso ea Boleng ea 2000, ISO14001 Environmental Management System le OHSAS 18001 Professional Occupation Health and Safety Management System, k'hamphani ea rona e boetse e na le setifikeiti sa sehlahisoa sa Green Label.'Me lihlahisoa tsa rona li lethathamong la' muso la ho reka.Golden Power ke eona feela lets'oao le tsebahalang la China indastering ea fiberboard ea silicate ea lapeng.Golden Power e na le lintho tse ngata tse qapiloeng le litokelo tsa litokelo tsa lihlahisoa tse ncha boemong ba naha, tse ileng tsa tlatsa likheo tse ngata tsa malapeng.Ho kenya letsoho ho thehoeng ha maemo a naha a indasteri, k'hamphani ea rona e ile ea fuoa tlotla ea khoebo ea hi-tech.Joalo ka moetapele oa lefats'e oa ts'ebeliso le lipatlisiso tsa boto ea silicate, k'hamphani ea rona e na le lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso tse nang le motheo o moholo oa tlhahiso bakeng sa boto.Joalo ka khoebo ea mahlale le thekenoloji, e shebaneng le nts'etsopele le ts'ebeliso ea khabone e tlase le lisebelisoa tsa ho boloka matla, Matla a Khauta a lula a loanela ho ntlafatsa tikoloho ea bophelo ba batho le ho fokotsa tahlehelo ea lisebelisoa tsa tlhaho ka sepheo sa nts'etsopele ea moshoelella.Enterprise Concept: Sky and Land. ntle le Lipheletso, Molekane ho pota Lefatše.Boleng ba Konokono ba Khoebo: Mosebetsi, Boqapi, Botšepehi & Bokhoni, Melemo e Kopanetsoeng, Boikarabello, Bohlale.


Histori ea Khampani

  • -2011.6-

    ·Letšoao la khoebo la Golden Power le ile la amoheloa e le "Lets'oao le Tsebahalang la China" ke Tsamaiso ea Naha ea Indasteri le Khoebo.

  • -2012.9-

    ·E nkuoe e le "Likhoebo tse ka Holimo-limo tse 100 tse Ikemetseng tsa Boqapi" ke Lisebelisoa tsa Mokhabiso oa Moaho oa China.

  • -2016-

    ·Eba setsi sa koetliso se kantle ho khamphase bakeng sa tšebelisano-mmoho ea liphuputso tsa indasteri le univesithi.

  • -2017.3-

    ·E thathamisitsoe e le "2017 Provincial Key Reserve Enterprise for Listing" ka Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission.

  • -2017.11-

    ·Lekala la Matlo le Ntšetso-pele ea Litoropo-Mahaeng, Ofisi e Akaretsang ea PRC e le sehlopha sa pele sa metheo ea liindasteri tsa kaho tse entsoeng esale pele.

  • -2018.3-

    ·E abetsoe "Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Enterprise" ke Lefapha la Porofense ea Fujian la Saense le Thekenoloji.

  • -2019.9-

    ·E hapile sehlooho sa Naha sa "Green Supply Chain Management Enterprise".

  • -2020.11-

    ·E hapile sehlooho sa Naha sa "Industrial Product Green Demonstration Enterprise".

  • -2020.12-

    ·E hapile sehlooho sa "National High-tech Enterprise".